Hooray for Christmas trees! They make me so happy! Why? Don't ask, just smell! I love the awesome olor of the pine. I was a bit sad that we didn't get our tree from a christmas tree farm, that's what I grew up doing. We would go hunting in the "farm", find the perfect tree for us, then go by the hot chocolate stand there and then of course.....dum dum dum.....SANTA CLAUS. This year? Just a Christmas tent with a cheap enough tree. Luckily we got the BEST one, it's quite nice! Sienna faked sleeping on the way....

...final product? A beautiful tree to symobolize "life", as we learned earlier in FHE. As does also represent the color green!
What a pretty tree! Is it already decorated? We need picture, and lots of them!
How fun! I wish we had room for a live tree. My little 3 foot tree will have to do this year. Sienna is such a cutie. We'll have to come over again so David and Ethan can pull on the branches...oh wait, maybe we shouldn't!
What a great post! Thanks for the reminder of the symbolism of our Christmas trees--I need to get one already!!! You have a darling family...
What's silly is that that last picture of this post isn't even our tree. I didn't even POST the pic. I'm a nerd, I know. I'll work on that for you Rachel!
Brooke...I love shopping for trees. I think I'll still do it every year even though this year I broke down and bought COSTCO! I love the smell too. It just makes me happy. I'm going to have to buy fresh wreaths or something. Your kiddos are GORGEOUS!
Sienna is so cute in her blue coat! What a beautiful little girl. And I love your pics of picking out the tree - I forgot to bring the camera on our escapade! Oh well.
It is so fun to keep updated on your cute family. We miss you. We finally got a blog together -- kjehansen.blogspot.com
Very cute pictures. I too love the smell of christmas trees.
I love the picture of all 4 of you in front of the tree! It looks like it was a lot of fun!
The smell of Christmas trees is the best! I also loved going to pick out the perfect tree with my family when I was little. This year we have all of our decorations up and a mini tree since we'll be in UT for Christmas!
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