I'm a Big Girl Now!
My sweet little Chlo-Bug is getting so big. I can't believe it. She is just 8 1/2 months and is so close to walking. I know to many of you this may seem like no biggie since a lot of babies this age start walking, but my Sienna didn't walk until she was 15 months. So this is quite exciting. Chloe's not walking....YET! But she stands herself up constantly (seriously every minute of every day) and walks herself along everything! Surprisingly she hardly ever falls. The kid just has great balance (Hallelujah!) I just loved these pictures of her doing so. 
She is sooo cute!! Max was an early walker and now I wish I would have pushed him down when he tried. Just kidding!! I'm a good mom, I swear!
Also, I have birthday pictures for you. I have to finish proofing them.
what a cutie. I want to come over and kiss that face!
yummy cheeks! And they're still intact---I would have eaten them by now!
Stephen, I mean Chloe is getting too big too fast. Stop her from walking, just knock her down a little. That will slow her down.
Wow I can't believe she is standing...and to think at Christmas she was just crawling backwards!!! I loved seeing her get stuck under stuff, too funny:)
We found you!!! Look at your beautiful family. We love you and we will be back home in May...
Wow, that is so fun! I think Kirsten's going more the route of Sienna, because she can't pull herself up on anything yet and she's still just scooting backwards and getting stuck under stuff instead of really crawling. People tell me to be glad though!
How fun for you! Put up some more pictures. Someone is slacking on her blogging.
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