For Jessica
We go way back. We met in Primary in 1990 (I think that was the year). I was ten, she was 9. The Brownings had just moved into the ward. We became quick friends. Over the years we became close and had so many fun times together. About 7 or 8 years later, Jessica's father passed away. This picture was taken just after that. My friend, Kelly, and I took Jess to the beach to get away. I will always be grateful for the friendship I had with her then, and for the friendship we still have. Love you Jessica!
I love that picture! It looks like one of those "perfect fake" pictures you pull out of a brand new frame and replace it with one of your own! She was lucky to have you then and is VERY lucky to have you still. Good friends are hard to come by.
That was so sweet! I seriously can't tell in this picture which is which!
I am on the left! =)
Brookie! I started crying when I read this post! I love you so much and you have no idea how much your friendship has meant to me and STILL means to me! I love you TONS!
I love this picture.
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