...past Christmas.
But on Christmas Eve, our girls opened some very amusing presents. That's right...tape measures (pronounce it correctly...measure = meh-sure, not may-sure. A constant battle.) Papa Barry (Stephen's dad) gave the girls tape measures! I thought it was very interesting, but was soon put in my place as the girls played with them for quite some time having a great time. Who would've known? (apparently....Barry!)

The very next morn, we awoke to see that Santa indeed visitied the Baker apartment in La Jolla. Despite the lack of fireplace, cookies for Santa and celery/carrots for the reindeer, they still deemed us worthy of a visit!!

Assembly required, so Sienna gets in line to help.
The gel sticky stars were a favorite as well...of course I favor the view of my little sweeties post-pajama-exodus, per Sienna. She insisted, I swear!
Stephen bought me the music for Wicked!!!! Hooray! Now my piano will be joining the ranks of Wicked-polluted items in my life (joining my cell phone ringer, music in my car, in my head and taking over my brain). Soon to be taking over my eyes in about a week!!!! Can't wait!!!!!

Games are big for Sienna lately, so she got Elefun.
Uncle Derek showed the girls how to really do some serious grocery shopping. Now that he does his own, he taught them what to do in case of total melt-down at the store...it's called Cart-wars. They were so cute running around crashing into eachother. That should be fun to break up later between Sienna & Chloe.

Derek must be doing good.
I know these are all pretty random pictures, and don't fully show what Christmas was or what it means to us, but we truly are so grateful for this season. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!!

Yay for Wicked!!! And Max got Elefun, too!! We should have an Elefun party!
wow. tape measures are endless hours of fun - I guess you didn't know b/c you have girls =). My boys are constantly stealing dad's and running a muck around the house pulling and retracting... and then fighting. hhhhmmmm, it was fun for awhile though. Merry Christmas!
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