Because of some weird health concerns I've been having, it's really made me look at the lifestyle I've been living. Not eating good enough (I do okay, but need to do SO much better), not spending my time perhaps how I should, not reading my scriptures on a daily basis, not spending more quality time with my children, etc. That plus our lovely economy and the worries of money while having a full-time student for a husband doesn't really help either. We're not exactly rich...haha. Not even close...hahahhaha. =) (I'm truly laughing while I write that)
Nonetheless, I am very happy with efforts I have been making. Last year I lost 10 pounds. I'm very proud of that. Time to really step it up though. I think this post really comes down to goals that I'm making in my head and on paper. I really want to be a better person in all aspects. I want to do my part in my home, in my ward, in my extended family, in my state, in my country. I love my children and my husband and I want to be the best I can be for them too.
Am I rambling yet?....YES! Anyway, I really just need to de-stress. SO...if/when any of you see me stressing out, remind me. Say, "Brooke dear, is it really that important? If it's not, stop stressing about it". I will be nice in response, I promise. No one can do everything by themselves. I need you my friends!
We all want to do better and it's so hard to make things all work out with kids and a husband in school and you working. You're doing great! I have been kind of feeling the same way about wanting to be better lately and I've made an effort to spend more time with London. It has changed her attitude enormously. Also, she now has a chore chart and I can't even begin to tell you how much more organized and clean our house is. She actually WANTS to help! I love it! I'm sure your girls are smart enough to do little things to help around the house (although every time I've been there, you have a clean place). Anyway, good luck! And if you ever want me to come play with the girls for a bit while you de-stress, let me know!
First step is to write it down and look at it - you did that! Now narrow down your goals and print those - often. I extend the dare again - get in that BATH with some BOOKS! Relaxation and get the reading in =)
Hey Brookie,
We all feel a little over-whelmed sometimes. I think getting back to the basics is an excellent place to start. I constantly have to keep doing that. I have such a hard time reading scriptures and saying prayers on a daily basis. I'm confident though if I begin there the rest will fall into place and it ususlly does until I start thinking I can do it all myself again. Thus, begins the cycle again, will I ever learn??? :) Thank heavens for the Atonement! I know you'll figure it out Brookie! your the bestest! miss you!
Luvs, Kina
I've been making a concerted effort to really REALLY get back to reading the BoM this year. I have a great schedule for reading it entirely in one year, that's only 1 1/2 pages a day! I can send it to you if you like.
I know what you mean about stresses. I never thought I had an anxious personality. Honestly, I thought I was a very relaxed, even-keeled individual, but last year had shown me differently. I'm more than likey going back to work for a while because we are so far in the hole and Bryan doesn't have enough work. I can't wait until Bryan is done with school so we can have a somewhat normal stable lifestyle, and we can get rid of the instability of a small business. I'm really stressed out by living like poor church mice. I guess right here is not the place to air out my feelings! Anyway, we all feel stress right now. I think a LOT of people could empathize with you right now, I certainly can!
Whenever you are stressed out call me, we can hang out and make all your stress go away....:)
Brooke, I miss you! You don't realize how much you have it together.
Remember when we moved into our apt, and you came and helped me clean, and another time helped me organize? How embarrassing was that? I have been guilty of wanting to be great at everything all at the same time. I have learned to set priorities and worry just about those for the day. Actually, Franklin Covey's planner system saved me for a while from my anxieties about everything that needs to get done. In fact, I am hyperventilating as we speak about Cohen's ear appt in San Diego, and our law suit, and so much other stuff ...
At least you have the beach. :) haha.
oh man - i missed 2 whole months! my blog is not telling me when you update your blog - what the???! i had to go down allthe way to the bottom of this page and then some to catch up! no fair! your girls are adorable! too many fun things to comment on them all - I want to see wicked - that is one I have not see!
just remember, stressed is desserts spelled backwards!!!
i keep forgetting your private so your blog no longer updates on my list dangit! anyway..
do i know what you're saying, or do i KNOW WHAT YOU'RE SAYING!? full time student husband, and myself generally inducing unnecessary stress & anxiety over ridiculous things.. i just need to cool it some times. and granted, i don't even have 2 kiddos. i can only imagine brooke..
all i can say is, JUST BREATHE..
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