Okay, so I need your help friends. Both my girls have this annoying cough. It's reached the point where it physically stresses me out each time Sienna coughs. So weird, I know. But I need to help her too. She's obviously not having much fun coughing all that time. It is a dry cough. Her nose is a little runny, which makes me think it's just post-nasal drip. But isn't there something I can do help her stop coughing every 30 seconds?
...what I want to know is, what kind of natural remedies have worked for you? What kind of natural ways to help alleviate all that is involved with a cough, do you know of? We've tried giving her a teaspoon of honey, works so-so. Water, I can't tell if that really helps or just makes it worse.
I don't want to use cough medicenes, they don't seem to work anyway. Help, oh help, my friends! Anyone!
So we've gotten the lavander/euculyptus rub from whole foods before. (we actually have a ton left, so call me if you want to try it before buying it.) Anyways, we rub it on their chest and tummies before naps or bedtime and it seems to soothe them enough so they can fall asleep... are you going to be home today? We can bring it by....
I second the VAPO CHEST RUB, and a STEAM HOT VAPORIZOR (NOT cool mist humidifier!!!!) in their room at night. During the day we do lots of popsicles and if she can suck on a natural throat lozenge, that totally helps. Good luck and watch out for an ear infection =(
Liquids, Liquids, Liquids and CITRUS FRUIT. Honey is good too =)
I recently got an email about putting vicks vapor rub on their feet at night and covering with socks. I would imagine you could do it during the day too. I have been wanting to try it on Mason, but he hasn't gotten a cough since I got the email so I can't guarentee it will work. Let me know if it helps if you try it.
I would use a cool mist humidifier. I've heard (but I'm no expert so I don't really know) that they're better because they don't breed as much bacteria. Plus, that's what the dr always tells me to use. Good luck!
We use either a cool or warm mist humidifier, whichever seems to be working better. And the rub is good, too. Honey has worked for us and also warm liquids (like hot chocolate or warm apple juice/cider). Anything that will keep their throats moist.
Vicks at night always works for us, as well as a humidifier. We use the no-steam kind, so I have no idea if hot/cold steam would work better. Also, Johnson & Johnson makes a bath soap for cough and colds, it's basically a no tears wash with vicks/menthol. That stuff is awesome.
Lots of popsicles during the day(sugar free if it matters to you), that helps the kiddos always feel special when they're feeling crappy. Even a sugar free candy to suck on... but only if they are okay with not choking on it. You would know best about that one. Hydration like crazy! Pedialyde if they can handle that AFWUL taste! You're right about cough syrups never working though. Seriously, just a pharmeceutical company ploy. They own our souls!!! Good for you on the holistic/natural approach!
PS: I use the J&J menthol stuff as a bubble bath and just let the boys play in the tub to their hearts content. It seems to really help replace lost moisture in their throats. They are breathing better and feeling much better afterward!
I know it's not natural but if you want to stop the vicious cycle Benadryl at night will dry up the PND so they won't be hacking and stop future build up. Both my boys had horrible hacking coughs at the same time so I got NO sleep! My doc recommended Benadryl and all the other natural remedies and that really seemed to nip it in the bud. What can I say... I was desperate for sleep and so were they.
yes, yes! we use Benadryl! Oh and the reason I use the vaporizer is because it steams the water which kills the bacteria. The cool mist ones are cold and therefore don't kill any bacteria that can be in the water. Plus, our cool mist ones don't do diddly for the air. The vaporizer makes the whole room very very steamy. Works great for croupe too! Just like you're in the bathroom with the shower on.
So, how did it go? Are they improving? did you miss much work?
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