Friday, July 15, 2011

i'm still here

no baby yet!

honestly?  i'm shocked.  i don't know why exactly.  i guess i was starting to feel entitled to having all my kids come early, but that's not exactly what i want, nor is it what i deserve i guess.  so here i am, 39 weeks and gettin' large.  large and in charge!  my poor feet and ankles are having swelling issues.  in the last week they've not swelled up maybe once.  and i honestly can't contribute that one-day success to anything inparticular.  yikes.  it's weird to see the flip-flop imprints on top of my feet.  i'm like a putty ball.....for real.  stephen pushed his thumb into the top of my foot last night and after five seconds of pressure i had a thumb in the top of my foot for minutes.  i remember that happening with chloe too, but it's like a whole new experience this time.  it's not, but you truly do forget.  pregnancy is funny. 

question:  to those of you who have, currently use or have previously used a moby wrap, i'd like to hear the good and bad things about it (if there are any bad things).  i'd like to get one, but before i spend that kind of money on a wrap, i'd like to know that they're really that great.  i found some on amazon for $40-45.  should i buy?

following are a few more pictures from our sunday dinner with my grandma, who was visiting her friend marv, who has been recovering from a broken femur (OUCH).  it's always fun to see grandma and to catch up. unfortunately the only pictures i'd taken of grandma her eyes were closed...thus i won't embarrass her by posting them.  your welcome grandma!

oh, the faces of sienna!


karlie said...

I hope your baby comes soon! I am wishing I was 39 weeks today instead of 26! Hope the swelling goes down...this baby will be a charmer! Any names?

flip flop mama said...

Loved loved loved my Moby. It worked wonders when I needed to roll ny laundry cart across the complex or when Sean was a crying mess. The bad things are it takes a while to get the hang of it but once you do it's a piece of cake to get it on. The other thing was when he was really little and needing to nurse all the time it was a pain to get on and off. You are supposed to be able to nurse with it but I couldn't ever figure that out. It really saved my life the first 9 ish months of his life though. Really comfortable and handy to have.

Momma K said...

Loved the Moby... but I think you either love it or hate it. Not a lot of in between. I loved wearing my babies to church in it... they'd stay asleep, and all the little grubby nursery (and grown up) hands couldn't get to him. It does have a learning curve, but as long as you stick with it for a little while it should be fine.

Brandy said...

My friend makes and sells the wrap (same as Moby wraps). It's just a huge piece of knit fabric. I'm sure you could whip up a cute one for much less than the real deal!

The Price Family said...

I LOVE love LOVE my Moby! I got the hang of using it right away but that was because I had someone show me, rather than reading the guide. I have breast fed the baby in it while at the movies before and you wouldn't even know I was doing it!. As long as you dress knowing you will be feeding in it and don't want to take it off it works great. The only drawback I hated was how long it took to get on if we were out and about. Plus we live in a rainy state, so I would make sure I put it on at home because I didn't want it to land on the ground. It's a great little investment.

Kierst said...

I know so many people who love it. I've never used it, but I think I would like it too. Anyway, like Brandy said, I'm sure you could easily make one for a fraction of the cost.

Rachel Pond said...

Hey Brooke I saw this tutorial on pintrest for a "moby" it's literally yards of knit fabric cut down the middle and then you have two! Here's the link:

Mike and Melanie said...

I loved my moby wrap, I used it for all three kids, it was a life saver for all three, but especially my first, she was a super colicky baby, but the moby would put her to sleep right away, it was so nice! Good luck!

Rachel Powell said...

I liked the Moby, there were some definite perks with having it (all stated above). The drawbacks:
-Hard to get on. Maybe if you have a Moby expert SHOW you, then it might be easier. But, boy howdy, that thing was kind of a pain to get on.
-The fabric stretches too much. I found that when out and about, the fabric would start to stretch and droop and I felt like I was constantly making adjustments. This may also be due to my earlier point, maybe I wasn't putting it on right. Although, I followed all the directions and stuff. It just tended to sag after a bit. try hiking Torry pines with a saggy wrap. No Bueno.
Other than that it was great. We would both use it. It also could hold 2 babies, which helped us, but won't matter to you. In the end, we tended to use the baby bjorn more, especially once they got older (over 6 months). Although, I have heard great things about the ERGO carrier. Also, one of my friends had both the Moby and a Moby like product that was easier to get on. She like the Moby-like one better. She said there was less stretch in the fabric too.

Heidi said...

I have no opinions on the Moby since I've made it through four kids without a colicky baby :-) I did use some kind of carrier that I got as a hand-me-down but I didn't use it as often as I thought I would. (Maybe I just always had people begging to hold my babies?)

Hope that little boy decides to make his entrance soon. Nothing seems longer than that last week, in my opinion!!

Robin Baker - The Blessed Hippie said...

really? I thought Chloe came passed 40 weeks?
Moby - never had one. I used the NOJO sling and the Rockin Baby Ring sling and also a Bjorn.
They have way more carriers now and I wonder what I'll use if I have another baby. Although slings rock for many many things. Sooooo versatile and you can use them up passed age 2 which i did.