...and "teach them young"....that's what I say!! So our girls learn to clean young. Really they quite enjoy it, because they're doing what mommy does. At this age, that's just plain cool. Sienna and Chloe learn to clean up after ourselves and to help mom in the house. The broom Sienna's using is actually quite annoying though...with every sweeping motion, it repeats, "sweeping" or "I'm Sweeping Sam!", or "let's clean up!". Nonetheless I'm glad it's aiding Sienna in her important work. She actually started doing this last week all by herself. She went to the broom/vacuum closet, took out the broom, proceeded to the kitchen and got to work. I walked in to find this:

You're on your way to greatness Sienna!
let's just hope they keep doing this well into the teenage years. well, we can hope, right?
How cute is that!!! What a teeny little broom! go sienna go!!!!
Good job Sienna, that's gotta make a mommy proud!!
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