I think it would be safe to say that Chloe and I look alike, don't you? My mom just found this picture (above) of me when I was Chloe's age. I'd never seen it before, but was blown away when I saw how much alike we really do look. There IS some Porter in that little yummy face of hers!

yes yes! the Baker's can't get ALL the credit for our cute kids! ha ha
You're giving me hope that maybe, just maybe my 2nd child will look at least a little bit like me!
very cute! i can't wait to finally meet your cute girls in april! we look forward to seeing you guys!
awe!!!! you were such a cute toddler! you DO look alike! of course when she gets older she'll never admit to it. lol. isn't it so fun to look at old pictures and see the resemblance? well, I guess it's certain then, that she will be beautiful when she grows up just like her mommy!
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