My parents learned the hard way that you don't put Chloe into her carseat anymore. I think it was my dad, who, while helping watch our girls last weekend while we were out of town, witnessed the huge unstoppable temper tantrum that follows if you help Chloe into her carseat, when she has clearly said that she's going to do it. She noticed that we let Sienna climb into her own seat, and was probably wondering why on earth she wasn't doing the same. The only problem? Chloe's carseat is actually a little bit higher up than Sienna's is. Other problem? Chloe's legs are still shorter than Sienna's. Ending result is, it takes Chloe a while (about 10 minutes) to accomplish the deed. Most the time we are pretty patient and let her (slowly, but surely) climb on up and sit. Other times I just plop her down in her seat. The consequences of my foolish actions usually cost us the rest of the day. Her mood is instantly changed, from cute and happy to crying/whining and grumpy. Needless to say I should learn my lesson and just let her do everything by herself. Really? Come on, she's my baby! I love helping her! Okay, okay...I'll let her. Okay!
haha! I feel your pain! Orion is already like that! But he is my baby, so... I probably let him get away with it more than I should! :)
ha ha ha ha...just like little Owie. Owie and Chloe. The crying little cousins. So cute but oh so 2 yrs old. Owie says, "I do it all my selp!" if you help he says, "that not very nice daddy!" b/c usually Mike is the one who has no patience. He will cry for 1/2 hour if you don't let him get in the carseat! ha ha. I give him a time limit or say, "get in now owen or mommy will put you in" then he hurries! they are so stinkin' funny. but when you're late somewhere it's not so funny =)
too cute they are so much the same!
p.s. and it all started with the buckle about 6 or so months ago! he HAS TO do the top part or else! ha! stinkers
That's so funny! When I was watching the girls she said the same thing to me and I let her try for a second but then helped her up. She almost protested that I pull her back out so she could do it, but then I told her "yep, you did it, good job!" a few times and she finally believed me and was happy.
Oh the independance of toddlers!! It drives me crazy!!! D and E ALWAYS have to buckle the top buckle or I am in trouble!
Oh, I remember those days! Can't they stay young forever?
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