Tuesday, October 27, 2009


can you say ewww?  i sure can, and do!  i'm sure you can see which spider and web is real, and which is not (at least- i hope you can!).  both spiders are hanging around my front door these days.  normally i would quickly usher out a real spider, like that seen above, without even thinking.  i detest spiders!  i think that came as a result of being bit by them several times growing up.  not so fun when you have an allergic reaction to them.  not severe or anything, but certainly not just a mosquito bite either.  those hurt!  however, because halloween approaches i find myself having mercy on this spider's living circumstance, and i leave it be.  for now, that is.


Lissy said...

Yikes - I would dispose. You should have seen the Halloween orange and black one that was skittering around all over our mailbox one day! Creepy! I think I posted a photo of it on facebook.

bekahjr said...

I hate spiders too! I love the pics of you making cookies with your girls, you are so fun and creative, I love it! I want to be like you when I'm a mom (=. so, are you willing to part with your pancake recipe, or is it a family secret? I've been wanting a good homemade recipe??? Soy to "hija" afterall (=

bekahjr said...

I meant "tu"

Miss Stace said...

sick! I hate spiders. I trained my dog to kill spiders. I will say "Molly - get the spider!" and she come running and scans all the walls and floors til she finds it. Then she eats it, spits it out, then plays with it for the rest of the night. Its sick, but at least I don't have to deal with them!