Tuesday, November 23, 2010

sad - happy

sienna drew this in my notebook one day.  she loves to draw.  when i asked her what this picture was of, she said, "it's a boy that's sad, and a girl that's happy."  when i asked i her who it was, she said it was chloe and daddy.  i mentioned that chloe was a lot bigger than daddy in the picture, and she said that that was "because it was from when daddy was little and chloe was all grown up."

a few things i love about this picture....one, sienna drew it.  two, chloe's branch/stick arms that remind me of a snowman.  three....chloe's big round face and chloe's middle between her chest and her butt.  at least, that's what i'm guessing it is. 


*katie said...

Awesome:) Great job Miss Sienna!

Kierst said...

I love Chloe's hairy legs!

Heidi said...

I love the hairy legs too!! Cute!