Saturday, March 19, 2011

circa 1982

at least, that would be my guess as to the year that this photo was taken.  my mom and i were shopping at the carlsbad mall and stopped to take a look at the huge christmas tree (at least, i would gather it was huge from how high we're looking).  a photographer for a local newspaper snapped a photo of us and there you have it! 

i don't usually think that chloe really looks like me, except for her long blonde locks.  but when i look back at pictures of me when i was really little i finally see it. 

and isn't my mom pretty? 

love this.


Maren Romney said...

Ev looks fantastic there!!

Robin Baker - The Blessed Hippie said...


*katie said...

LOVE it! I definitely see Chloe in you, and your mom is beautiful!

Heidi said...

That's great!!!!