Friday, April 8, 2011

on this friday night

i simply want to say hello!

things are much better since my last post, i am happy to report.  finals are over for one (patting self on back for getting A's in my classes!), which significantly adds to the sweetness of it all.  now...let the nesting begin!

today i was running around dropping off facewash and makeup to my wonderful sister-in-laws and i all the sudden felt like a lame-o.  how often have i been at any of their homes in the last months since i've lived in north county?  not many.  now that school is done i look forward to spending more time with family and to showing them how much i love and appreciate them. 

my dad has been in town for a while now.  he's been working on my in-laws home doing some seriously awesome upgrades (new garage entrance, new roof additions, new patio entrance, balcony), so it's been so fun to be living here through it all.  we get to see "uncle grandpa" (as he likes to be called) all the time.  more than once a day both the girls, but especially sienna, is asking to go outside and "help" grandpa.  the first few days he didn't get much done because he had a blonde and strawberry blonde helper outside asking questions and shadowing his every move.  it has been very cute to watch.  we love our grandpa.

i openly admit tonight that i'm still very much attached to lost.  after watching all the seasons previously, and being not so sure about how much i liked how the writers ended it, i'm still devoted.  i've been re-watching season two over the last few weeks via our netflix instant stream.  i think stephen wishes very much that i wasn't, because he wants to sleep (or something silly like that!).  what?  is he waking up early to go to school or something?  weirdo.

anyway...back to my exciting friday night.  have a great weekend!


Brittany said...

I LOVE Lost! I too, didn't really like the ending, but I am still in love with it :)

Kierst said...

Yay for being done with school! We need to see you! I want to take the kids to Safari Park next week. London's on spring break. I think I'm also going to take them to the New Children's Museum. Want to join us on either adventure?

Heidi said...

Congrats on finishing finals and getting good grades!!

I'm glad you're doing better-- a nice little breather before the next plunge of busy-ness would be good, right?

Lissy said...

Go Brooke! Busting out the sewing machine yet? Lucky there are lots of portable ways to nest. So fun talking with you the other day! :)