Thursday, January 7, 2010

oh, hurricane!

south utah really is so pretty.  i get really tired of the red rock after a while, but then i look at pictures like these.  then i re-consider the tiredness.  especially with the snow in the mountains.

ian went model again on me...

then we drove home.  dad requested power line shots, so i got what i could while going 50 mph (yes, traffic is a dream at stateline, isn't it?  ugh.).  i always wonder how long it took, whoever, to finish putting all of those power lines up over the years.  i also want to know how they did it and when.  i'm curious like that.  i mean, really...look at them.  they go on for-ever.

and they're oh so tall!


*katie said...

When we drove up in November, Alan kept pointing out the power lines and explaining to me what type they were and what kind of power...blah blah...he's learned all about it at Sempra:)

brooke said...

i'd love to sit and hear stories like that from alan! tell him that the next time i see him, i want to hear it!