Monday, September 26, 2011

full load

can you tell school started, as i have not posted in quite a while?  yikes!  i only post now because i am promptly ignoring any schoolwork i should be getting down right now. 

having a seven week old newborn and starting three online classes is a little much.  what was i thinking?  oh, well i probably wasn't thinking.  i am nursing after all.  losing IQ each time i feed wyatt.  at least, that's my theory.  my brain isn't what it was, who knows if it will ever get back there?  but i can at least try!  thus my attempt to finish my degree!

so a few weeks ago we got the girls out of the apartment down to the pool for some much needed "out" time.  we were all sick of being cooped up in the pad.  so we mosied on down to the pool and stephen swam in the very cold water while wyatt and i watched and hung out.  it was nice!

sienna is a little dare devil!  she has no fear, that child.  she's also become quite the little swimmer!  she swam the entire length (yes, length...not width) of the pool all by herself.  i was so impressed!

chloe's not quite there yet in her swimming capabilities, but she's getting closer.  she's getting a little big for stephen to throw her, don't you think?  i can't believe that's my little baby chloe.  not a baby anymore!


Lissy said...

That top photo is just adorable. Your girls are such beauties! :)

Heidi said...

Hang in there, Brooke! I admire your determination to get that degree finished, even with little Wyatt to care for.

bekahjr said...

You are wonderwoman, you can do anything (-=. Totally agree with the theory of losing braincells from nursing, ha ha. We got Wyatt's announcement in the mail. Brooke, he is seriously the most gorgeous baby.

Hazen5 said...

I just love your little family, that's getting bigger all the time! The kids are adorable as always. Congrats on baby Wyatt! (Just trying to catch up on blogging, I've missed so much!)