Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Five Little Babies

i found this in our video archives on the computer a while ago.  then i re-found it yesterday with chloe.  i love watching this.  it's the girls singing a song that chloe learned in daycare when she was two.  i love how even though they're little people, they still have opinions and remind me that i shouldn't be singing...just them.  really, sienna doesn't even know this song so i find it amusing that she goes on and on as if she knows it, and then corrects me.  they're so little and i love it!



Hi!! said...

OH MY GOSH!!! That is such a keeper and soooo cute! They are so little!!

*katie said...

Oh my heavens, so stinking cute!! :) Love this!

Lissy said...

So cute!

Maren Romney said...

That's a great video of the ladies!!